Thursday, March 3, 2011

Suicide Bombins in Afghanistan- My Opinion

In regards to the suicide bombing attacks in Kunduz, Afghanistan I have a very right-winged opinion. I feel strongly that this is the moment where the Afghan government should step up and take control. Throughout history, it is proven that in times of fear and chaos all forms of government shift to a dictatorship. When a political strongman has a grasp on the situation, the outcome is usually progressive. For the sake and well-being of all Afghan citizens, a strong authoritarian should be brought into the political spectrum. The suicide bombers have been proven to be travellers from the northern parts of Afghanistan. In the north, there are Taliban tribes along the borders who victimize their own country and have been sending persistent waves of suicide bombers into the cities over the past few months. The government clearly needs to take a course of action against these groups and put an end to their terrorism. NATO troops have already been deployed in the north, and have been pushing their way into holding some of the Taliban areas as militant-states; but this is not enough. Afghan forces should also be deployed to either help the NATO troops, or to capture and detain the Taliban. The suicide bomb attacks need to be put to rest, and the government is the only power strong enough to do so. However, in regards to the issue of suicide bombings the government has been ridiculed and made to look like a puppet to the Taliban.  Government events, government workers and government buildings have been the main target in every attack thus far. So, my opinion is that the Afghan government must find a strategy to make themselves more prominent and intimidating, or their country may very well be facing higher terrorist threat rates than ever before.

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