Thursday, March 3, 2011

Suicide Bombings in Afghanistan- Interrelated Mind Map

Social & Cultural
Destructionà rubble, fragments spread all over

Bombs release chemicals into the air, adding to gas pollution
Government institutes and officials are the main target

NATO service members as well as other foreign government workers are targeted

Taliban are threatening to overthrow the Afghan government

Governance is not stepping up and taking controlà appear weak

Military numbers are dwindling, and volunteer rates are decreasing rapidly
Emigration leads to loss of culture

Citizens live in fear à become counter-productive

Taliban supporters and anti-Taliban citizens may start civil wars

Large groups are killed in suicide bombings, important members of society are among them

When buildings are destroyed, workers become unemployedà unemployment rate soars

GDP rate slopes

Some natural resources are destroyed à exports decrease while imports increase à debt

Foreign countries feel that business with Afghanistan could be threatening, and cease several foreign affairs

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