Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Radiation Detected in British Columbia via Japan

                In regards to the discovery of radiation in British Columbia, I am a strongly right-winged authoritarian. Usually I prefer to take a more moderate centrist or left-wing libertarian stand point, but in this specific situation I feel that the people need to take a backseat and allow the government to step forward. This issue is still very recent, but I believe that Canadians have the right of knowledge, and the government has failed to release full stories and/or other media reports concerning the well-being of citizens both physically and mentally. The public deserves the ability to obtain all possible information on this subject, and to be informed through the media. Clearly the dominant elite have filtered the stories in order to retain control and to avoid distress in British Columbia, but by doing so they have left the citizens next to clueless. Even though the radiation levels are not severely harmful, there are still existing issues concerning them. I would encourage the government to step in and get a hold on society before the people decide to take matters into their own hands and take any irrational course of action. For the quizzical viewers, here is what is currently occurring. Water sample test of sea water and rainfall have proven positive for increased levels of iodine in British Columbia. The iodine comes from radiation which is released from a nuclear reactor based in Japan; the reactor is currently under repair but is currently releasing radiation into the atmosphere which then travels through the air and is distributed through rainfall over the Pacific Ocean. The radiation is affecting the coastal regions of British Columbia, and poses an unpretentious health threat to civilians.

Increased levels of radioactive iodine have been detected in seaweed and rainwater samples in British Columbia
Scientists have concluded that a nuclear reactor in Japan is definitely the source
Scientists predict that iodine levels in British Columbia will continue to rise over the next 3 to 4 weeks, until the nuclear reactor in Japan ceases to release radioactivity into the atmosphere
The radiation found in British Columbia was carried by the jet stream, and is now falling over the West Coast with rain, which is mixing with sea water and accumulating in seaweed

Japanese fish products are no longer permitted to be imported to Canada due to harmful radiation

Health Canada, the Canada Border Services Agency and Transport Canada all must approve any vessels arriving at the port, and all packages go through a mandatory radiation screening process at the border

So far radiation waves are confined to the coastal regions of British Columbia, and are not expected to infect highly populated areas

Authorities in both Canada and Japan will continue monitoring radiation levels for the next month or so

Since the radiation is carried through the air, several new radiation monitors have been installed along the coastline of BC to measure the radiation levels in the air about the sea

Scientists have concluded that the radiation levels are not severely harmful to humans, and that they don’t suspect any further damage


Social & Cultural
Radiation from Japan is filtering into the water cycle of British Columbia

Fish and other sea life from Japan are contaminated à fewer exports

Radiation is distributed through rainfall which seeps into the soil and contaminates the crops and surface water sources

Forests are partially cleared in order to install Air Radiation Monitors
Government creates an exclusive persona for itself by holding back media content

Foreign affairs like trade decrease

Citizens may lose trust in the government

No major action has been taken à this makes the government appear weak
Society is fearful and takes great precaution à nobody wants to boat, fish, swim, etc. à loss of culture

Tourists choose not to travel to BC for health reasons à less income

Citizens allow precautions to filter into the workplace à concern takes over everyday life

Water products will not be bought

Fish and other sea products are not sold à fisherman lose business

Low productivity = lower economic wealth

Fishing is a major industry in BC and the radiation causes it to suffer

How did this issue start?
How should this issue be resolved?
During the earthquake in Japan, one of the largest nuclear reactor towers was severely damaged and has been releasing radiation into the atmosphere ever since

The radiation gets trapped in the clouds which travel through the jet stream (wind pattern) over the Pacific Ocean. The clouds then dispose of the radiation through rain which falls along the coastlines of British Columbia, contaminating their water supply and posing a health threat to the people
The government should utilize its position of authority to make the people aware of the current situation, and to implement safety precautions

The people of Japan should work to fix the nuclear reactor immediately

An explanation and apology should be given to the people of British Columbia from the leaders of their provincial government as well as the government of Japan

Environmental activists should seize this opportunity to make other coastal areas to test their water, and to start new environmental movements

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Suicide Bombins in Afghanistan- My Opinion

In regards to the suicide bombing attacks in Kunduz, Afghanistan I have a very right-winged opinion. I feel strongly that this is the moment where the Afghan government should step up and take control. Throughout history, it is proven that in times of fear and chaos all forms of government shift to a dictatorship. When a political strongman has a grasp on the situation, the outcome is usually progressive. For the sake and well-being of all Afghan citizens, a strong authoritarian should be brought into the political spectrum. The suicide bombers have been proven to be travellers from the northern parts of Afghanistan. In the north, there are Taliban tribes along the borders who victimize their own country and have been sending persistent waves of suicide bombers into the cities over the past few months. The government clearly needs to take a course of action against these groups and put an end to their terrorism. NATO troops have already been deployed in the north, and have been pushing their way into holding some of the Taliban areas as militant-states; but this is not enough. Afghan forces should also be deployed to either help the NATO troops, or to capture and detain the Taliban. The suicide bomb attacks need to be put to rest, and the government is the only power strong enough to do so. However, in regards to the issue of suicide bombings the government has been ridiculed and made to look like a puppet to the Taliban.  Government events, government workers and government buildings have been the main target in every attack thus far. So, my opinion is that the Afghan government must find a strategy to make themselves more prominent and intimidating, or their country may very well be facing higher terrorist threat rates than ever before.

Suicide Bombings in Afghanistan- Summary

In Kabul, Afghanistan 8 suicide bombers blew themselves up on Monday, February 28th in front of an Afghan government building
The suicide bombing killed a total of 40 people, and scores of others were wounded
Many citizens had gathered in front of the government building that day to receive their government identification cards, the bombers were among them
In northern Afghanistan there are known hideout for the Taliban, and violence has been on the rise recently
NATO has sent more troops to northern Afghanistan who are pushing for the trouble areas to become militant-held
This particular bombing was a form of retaliation against the Afghan government in response of the mistreatment of afghan prisoners under their hands
The suicide bombing occurred in Imam Sahib of Kunduz, a northern province of Afghanistan, where security has been going downhill for the past few months
Also on Monday, a Canadian NATO services member was killed in a roadside bombing- the bomber was also from Kunduz
After the suicide bombing, border security has been increased and several active suicide bombers have been caught and detained by Afghan forces before they could get passed the Taliban Tribal Belt
Just days after the suicide bombing, video footage aired on news stations on several continents. This outraged the Afghans

Suicide Bombings in Afghanistan- Interrelated Mind Map

Social & Cultural
Destructionà rubble, fragments spread all over

Bombs release chemicals into the air, adding to gas pollution
Government institutes and officials are the main target

NATO service members as well as other foreign government workers are targeted

Taliban are threatening to overthrow the Afghan government

Governance is not stepping up and taking controlà appear weak

Military numbers are dwindling, and volunteer rates are decreasing rapidly
Emigration leads to loss of culture

Citizens live in fear à become counter-productive

Taliban supporters and anti-Taliban citizens may start civil wars

Large groups are killed in suicide bombings, important members of society are among them

When buildings are destroyed, workers become unemployedà unemployment rate soars

GDP rate slopes

Some natural resources are destroyed à exports decrease while imports increase à debt

Foreign countries feel that business with Afghanistan could be threatening, and cease several foreign affairs

Suicide Bombings in Afghanistan- Controversial Mind Map

How did this issue start?
How should it be resolved?
The Taliban in northern Afghanistan had the knowledge that members of their tribes who had been captured by Afghan forces were being brutally mistreated while being detained in Kunduz

Taliban tribes have constructed self-made bombs and travelled in waves from the northern borders into the northern & central provinces, disguised as everyday people

The provincial jails and other detainment institutes should eliminate media releases, and keep their methods confidential

The Taliban tribes should all be detained, or be under constant surveillance

Border policies and security should be increased

Suicide Bombings in Afghanistan